Giving ourselves away to become valuable
Today, in the Daily Bible, they were going over the fall of Samaria, and one of the verses, 2 Kings 17:15, really grabbed me. It reads, "...They followed worthless idols and themselves became worthless..." That struck me, how many modern idols do we bow down to? I can name a couple right off the top of my head, TV, Computers, Exercising, Porclain Throne... Well that last one isn't an idol, but everyone bows down to it occasionally... ;) (on the other hand, anorexic people could see that as an idol...)
But, that verse says that when we give ourselves to worthless stuff we become worthless. The converse of that is, if we give ourselves to someone acctually worth something, we will ourselves become valuable. God is the only person/thing valuable enough to give ourselves to. If we follow God we will become worth something.
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