Filled to overflowing with Gods anger
Jeremiah 5:14b
"I will make my words in your mouth a fire
and these people the wood it consumes."(NIV)
Jeremiah 6:10-11a
"10 To whom can I speak and give warning?
Who will listen to me?
Their ears are closed
so they cannot hear.
The word of the LORD is offensive to them;
they find no pleasure in it.
11 But I am full of the wrath of the LORD,
and I cannot hold it in."(NIV)
Jeremiah is obviously filled with God's power. How many of us can say that? I don't think I can. I mean, yes I am following God where he leads me. But have I ever been so full of the presence of God that "I cannot hold it in."? No, not really. I long to feel that though, to give myself completely to God, so that I'm "just along for the ride". But there's the catch, I have to give myself completely to God, that is the hard part, we have to give control of our life away.
Jeremiah faced back in ancient Judah what alot of us face today, "Their ears are closed... The word of the Lord is offensive to them." And the Devil uses this against us, he feeds us the lie that everyone is offended by the Bible, so we shouldn't bring it up.
In an interesting story I have witnessed this very thing. At the place where I work a summer job, there are a lot of Christian kids, but most of the "vererans" that are back from previous years aren't Christian. Therefore most of the time the radio is set to secular stations, country, classic rock, new rock, etc. Generally it is the "right" of the person who gets the radio to pick the station. Well, I just happened to get the radio this night, so I set it to the christian station. But while I was doing that, in the back of my mind I was really hesitant about playing this station and very self-consious about it. I didn't want to turn it up really loud incase someone didn't like it. Finally I realized that it doesn't matter what everyone else thinks, that I'm going to play my music. But that didn't remove the doubts I had about it. So I "compromised" with myself and decided that if someone didn't like it I would let them change it. After a while someone did come in and change it, and I just stood there. Afterwards, (meaning later that night in bed...) I realized that that guy had no business changing the radio station, I got the radio and I picked the station, just because he doesn't like the music doesn't mean he can change it. Does that mean that I can change the station when someone puts country on? (which I loath) No, I have to endure the stupid twangs and mind-sticking songs. But at the time, I was feeling so self-consious and timid that I didn't stand up for myself. I believe that this is an example of the Devil working, subtley, undermining our efforts to be open about our faith. The Devil affected my thoughts and made me much more timid than I normally am. Although after that night, a bunch of people came up and told me they enjoyed the christian station being on, and that they thought it was cool.
This is only one example of the war between God and Satan and is effects in our sphere of existence. If I ever have any doubts if God and Satan are real or not, I just have to think about what happens when I try and follow God, Satan puts stumbling blocks in my way, trying to get me to trip. Sort of like the way Truman encountered obstacles in the movie "The Truman Show" whenever he tried to leave the island. (Great movie by the way :) )
What a great idea to blog your Bible reading. I think it is way cool, and I am going to copy your idea and start doing the same.
I enjoyed all of your posts - this last one about fear made me think of a verse that we use with our kids all of the time, "God is my helper, I will not be afraid." It's from Heb 13:6
Peace, bro. May your time in the Word continue to bless you richly.
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